Information for Oregon Voters with Vision Loss
It’s that time! Your ballots should be in the mail. Go VOTE!
We have written more detail about Oregon Voting when blind before (see links below) but a quick reminder:
The Oregon Secretary of State has HTML fillable form ballets for the blind. The link is a bit embedded but you get started at this link: My Vote.
Once there, you will need to fill in your name and date of birth. After that, it will take you to a page showing your voter registration information. After you check your name, address and other information in your voter registration file, there are a few links for more information. Click on the link called “mark my ballot.” This will take you to the ballot specifically for where you live.
Remember, You need to print out your ballet and mail it in your ballot envelope you got in the mail. You need to sign your envelope (between the two hole punches) and either put a stamp on your ballot and mail or drop off at a ballot box (check your local library.)
For more information, check out our past posts on voting with additional resources or check with the Oregon secretary of state website.
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