MAST Quarantine Check-In Conference Call
You are invited to a free conference call to check in and problem solve any issues you might be having with the quarantine.
We have gotten a lot of questions about how to use different apps to find and deliver supplies, how to deal with a class that has just gone online on an unfamiliar platform, how to deal with trying out different transportation options, working from home technology, and other topics that people have run into upon dealing with the quarantine and the Corona virus.
We would like to invite anyone who wants to call in and chat to join our ZOOM meeting platform. We will problem-solve issues and just check in and see how everyone is fairing. ZOOM is free and accessible with speech readers. Anyone can join. You do not have to be a client of MAST or even be blind, but topics will focus on issues of importance to blind people.
Date: Friday, March 20th, 2020
Time: 4:30 to 6:30 pm Pacific Time
Link: If you are on a computer or smart phone, click this link to get connected:
(If you have never used Zoom before, you may be prompted to download the Zoom app.)
If you are calling from a landline, call 1-301-715-8592.
It will prompt you for a meeting number, which is: 630449481
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